Friday, 7 March 2025


THE draws for the knockout semi finals and first round of the Plate competition were made recently by Trevor Wright of Edgefold No2 at the Grouse Inn, Darley Dale.

As agreed by the committee, dates will be put on the matches again this season, though you can of course play them in advance of the set date by re-arranging with your opponent (please give at least 48hrs notice and preferably more). 7.30pm start unless stated or else agreed differently prior to match.
If absolutely necessary, you can re-schedule it within an extra 7 days, failing agreement you can apply to the match secretary for a further 7 days to play it.
If someone doesn't contact the opposition and then fails to show, they are eliminated obviously.
Contact relevant team captains or the secretary for any required contact info.
Dates will be added for later rounds when match ups become known.
Matches to be played off the latest handicaps on the scheduled date of the ties (if any are delayed and handicaps change subsequently, the original match handicap will stand).
Matches to take place as drawn for the semi finals, and finals will take place at selected neutral venues or if agreed, toss of a coin for venue between parties, all matches best of 5 this season with finals best of 7 (except "B" final which is best of 5).
Note that substitute players switching over from teams in same club are not eligible to play in team semi finals or finals.

Best of 5 Frames - Normal League Handicaps apply - 7.30pm
Wed Mar 19: Josh Dakin (Edgefold 2) 0 v Joe Neville (Tansley Potters) 0
Sun Mar 23: John Smith (Alfreton PM 1) +5 v Reece Johnstone (Edgefold 3) +5

Best of 5 Frames - Normal League Handicaps apply - 7.30pm
Sun Mar 23: Lee Hage (Clay Cross) -15 v Duncan Waring (Clay Cross) -15
Wed Mar 26: Josh Dakin (Edgefold 2) 0 v Justin Weller (Belper RBL) -10

T & M MOTORS SNOOKER LEAGUE (provisional re-arranged date)
Mon Mar 24: Clay Cross Brotherhood v Alfreton Palmer Morewood No1

CAPTAINS CUP (Team Aggregate) Semi Finals
5 Frames - Overall Points Aggregate To Count - 7.30pm
Mon Mar 24: Tansley Potters v Edgefold Matlock No3
Mon Mar 24: Alfreton Palmer Morewood No2 v Bolehill Institute

JIMMY HARPER PLATE (Team Aggregate) First Round
5 Frames - Overall Points Aggregate To Count - 7.30pm
Mon Mar 24: Edgefold Matlock No1 v Crich Comrades
Tue Mar 25: Alfreton Palmer Morewood No1 v Belper Royal British Legion
Semi Finals (prov, w/c April 21)
TBC: Edgefold Matlock No1 or Crich Comrades v Clay Cross Brotherhood
TBC: Edgefold Matlock No2 v Alfreton PM No1 or Belper Royal British Legion

Best of 5 Frames - Normal League Handicaps apply - 7.30pm
Wed Mar 26: P Trevett / N Berry (Crich) +3 v G Jones / I McKay (ClayCross) -10
Sun Mar 30: R Ferguson/R Muxlow (Edgefold 1) -8 v S&J Hawkins (Tansley) +7

OMYA CUP (Individual Scratch) Semi Finals
Best of 5 Frames - No handicaps - 7.30pm
Tue Mar 25: Jack Lowe (Alfreton PM 2) v Ben Monk or Duncan Waring
Sun Mar 30: Ricki Slack (Bolehill Inst) v Lee Hage (Clay Cross Brotherhd)

Dates will be put on the second round games and advertised as the winners become known. All entry fees need to be in by night of Christmas competition date.
Also if rearranging, take note of other dates at the same venue, especially where there is a one table set up, cheers and good luck to all competitors.

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